Über D-light-full
D-light-full: Excellent quality made in Germany
The founders and backers of D-light-full have personal experience of multiple sclerosis (MS) and other autoimmune diseases, either as patients or as relatives of sufferers. They see orthomolecular treatment with ultra-high-dose vitamin D3 in accordance with the Coimbra Protocol [Link: FAQ] as an effective option for a better quality of life.
Creating reliability and transparency in a confusing market
The idea of opening a shop for high-quality food supplements was born in a circle of friends. There were two reasons:
- We had experienced first-hand how chronically ill people had regained their health through high-dose vitamins and minerals. And that motivated us to do something for the complementary treatment of MS and other autoimmune diseases.
- We had experienced first-hand how difficult it can be to find vitamin D3 products in a sufficiently high dose and excellent, controlled quality.
And so we set up D-light-full.
D-light-full is a reliable one-stop shop for high-dose vitamin D3 and food supplements that promote healthy immune system function – so that people who opt for vitamin D therapy can concentrate fully on their own wellbeing, without any unnecessary problems.
Laboratory-tested ingredients | Organic quality | Made in Germany | Vegan | Hypoallergenic | Kosher
All D-light-full products are made in Germany by companies that are committed to the high quality standards for pharmaceutical and food products. All products contain high-grade, laboratory-tested ingredients. And we use organic quality wherever possible and practical.
We place the needs of sick people at the centre of everything we do. Doctors and biochemists from the field of orthomolecular medicine and experienced patients advise D-light-full on the range and composition of products. The aim is to gradually expand our product range.
Which health products would you like us to offer in the future? We look forward to receiving your feedback at info@d-light-full.de.
Profits invested in promoting vitamin D therapy
The D-light-full project is not about maximising profits. All profits are invested in expanding the product range, improving the functionality of our shop and promoting the Coimbra Protocol. For instance, we are supporting a large-scale observational study on the effect of high-dose Coimbra Protocol therapy at the Charité university hospital in Berlin [Link Home: News] and we regularly donate a proportion of our profits to Coimbraprotokoll gUGmbH, a charitable organisation.
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